When looking to sell their business, owners have limited options. They can use a broker, who doesn’t typically have as much heart in the business, or sell the business themselves, which is time consuming and often daunting. On the other side, capable buyers who would do well running these businesses often lack the appropriate capital, knowledge of the industry, or experience running a business to successfully take over.
Main Street Partners works with both buyer and seller by reinvesting in the business and providing a structure and environment for seamless transition of ownership. While every sale is as unique as the business itself, Main Street Partners goes through a 7 step process to ensure both parties find the right match and have the support they need.

Reviews the business with the current owner
Main Street Partners vets the legacy owner’s company to ensure its stability, both financially and operationally.

Conducts a financial health assessment
Main Street Partners reviews the business finances and helps organize the information to enable better visibility for potential buyers. This also helps a buyer with loan approval.

Initiates a buyer search
We conduct a search to find a buyer who is a good fit for the business.

Determines the buyer’s readiness
We work with the buyer to assist with financial preparation, including getting a loan if needed.

Provides reinvestment and secures funding
We reinvest alongside the buyer so that sellers know their business is in good hands and buyers know they’re buying a healthy company.

Completes the transaction
Once the sale is agreed on, the seller transitions the business to the new owner and helps them to understand the business process and key relationships.

Provides ongoing support
Main Street Partners provides support for the new owner and ensures success by delivering insights and support to help them run the business.